Multilateral Agreement Kazakhstan

Multilateral Agreement Kazakhstan: An Overview

Kazakhstan, the ninth largest country in the world, has recently been in the news for its participation in the Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of a Unified Patent Court (UPC). This is a significant development for the country, as it will allow it to strengthen its intellectual property framework and attract more foreign investment.

What is the Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of a Unified Patent Court?

The Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of a Unified Patent Court is an international agreement that was signed on February 19, 2013, by 25 European Union (EU) member states. The agreement aims to create a single court system for the settlement of disputes relating to patents.

The UPC will have jurisdiction over patents granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) and will be composed of a court of first instance, a court of appeal, and a registry. The court of first instance will have local and regional divisions, which will be located in different countries.

Why is Kazakhstan participating in the Multilateral Agreement?

Kazakhstan, like many other countries, has recognized the importance of intellectual property (IP) protection for its economic development. The country has been working to improve its IP framework in recent years and has made progress in areas such as trademark and copyright protection.

The participation of Kazakhstan in the Multilateral Agreement is a logical next step in its efforts to strengthen its IP framework. By joining the agreement, Kazakhstan will be able to participate in the development of the UPC and benefit from the establishment of a unified patent system in Europe.

What are the benefits of the Multilateral Agreement for Kazakhstan?

The Multilateral Agreement offers several benefits for Kazakhstan, including:

1. Strengthening the country`s IP framework: Joining the agreement will enable Kazakhstan to benefit from the experience of other countries in developing its IP framework. The country will be able to participate in discussions on the development of the UPC and share its own expertise.

2. Attracting foreign investment: The establishment of a unified patent system in Europe will make it easier for inventors and businesses to protect their inventions across the EU. This is likely to attract more foreign investment to Kazakhstan, as companies will be able to protect their intellectual property in a more streamlined and cost-effective manner.

3. Promoting innovation: The Multilateral Agreement is expected to promote innovation by providing a more efficient and effective system for the protection of patents. This, in turn, is likely to stimulate the development of new technologies and products in Kazakhstan.


The participation of Kazakhstan in the Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of a Unified Patent Court is an important step for the country. By joining the agreement, Kazakhstan will be able to strengthen its IP framework, attract foreign investment, and promote innovation. This is a positive development for the country and is likely to have a significant impact on its economic development in the years to come.