Subject Verb Agreement Short Quiz

Subject-Verb Agreement Short Quiz: Test Your Understanding

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of proper grammar that you should master to communicate effectively in written and spoken English. This concept refers to the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence and their agreement in number and person.

For instance, when the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular, and when the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural. This rule may sound straightforward, but many writers, native and non-native speakers alike, often make mistakes in subject-verb agreement, leading to unclear communication. Therefore, it`s crucial to practice and test your understanding of this concept regularly.

In this short quiz, you`ll have the opportunity to practice and test your knowledge of subject-verb agreement. Read each sentence carefully and choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject:

1. The dog and the cat (was/were) playing in the yard.

Answer: were

2. The book, as well as the pen and pencil, (was/were) on the desk.

Answer: were

3. Neither the teacher nor the students (has/have) arrived yet.

Answer: have

4. Each of the students (has/have) to submit their papers by tomorrow.

Answer: has

5. A group of protesters (was/were) marching down the street.

Answer: was

6. Ten dollars (is/are) not enough to buy lunch.

Answer: is

7. The news from the media (is/are) often biased.

Answer: is

8. My friend, along with his parents, (is/are) coming to the party.

Answer: is

9. The committee (has/have) decided to postpone the meeting.

Answer: has

10. The number of books on the shelf (has/have) increased significantly.

Answer: has

How did you do? Did you find the quiz challenging or easy? If you got all the answers correct, congrats! You have a good understanding of subject-verb agreement. If you made a few mistakes, don`t worry; it`s a common area of confusion, and you can improve with practice and review.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a vital component of good writing, and mastering it will make your communication more precise and effective. Therefore, take the time to practice and review regularly, and you`ll avoid making common errors that can undermine your writing. Good luck!